Thursday, October 10, 2013

I wish that people would stop making negative comments about my taking the bus.  I know that this is not an ideal situation, that it sucks, that it is inconvenient, that I would rather drive, or be driven, .... but guess what those are not options that I have or have chosen for that given time.

My children and I are getting used to using public transit and though it is not all that rosy most of the time, it allows us to go out and do activities.   We have actually leaned to stop and smell the roses because we have been taking public transit.  We have also learn to prioritize and really choose what activities are important to us and what we can let go.   We have learn to communicate code words to gather together in public places, have emergency plans, learn how to read maps, talk to strangers without being super friends with them (and that stranger danger is not be terrified of all stranger), read and interpret maps,  learn geographical and historical things about our city, be immerse in multiculturalism, ask for help, ...  Most of all the one skill that my children are learning from my medical issues which are preventing me from driving is Resiliency.   Which is something that doesn't come in a box...  hence when all the well meaning people try to sympathize with our situation maybe instead of commenting of a negative aspect of the bus, that can make a positive comment of hope you get a nice driver etc....

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